
Contributions are welcome by pull request. Check the github issues and project roadmap to see what needs work.


The easiest way to work on GDPR-assist is to fork the project on github, then install it to a virtualenv:

virtualenv django-gdpr-assist
cd django-gdpr-assist
source bin/activate
pip install -e[dev]

(replacing USERNAME with your username).

This will install the development dependencies too, and you’ll find the source ready for you to work on in the src folder of your virtualenv.


Contributions will be merged more quickly if they are provided with unit tests.

Use to run the python tests on your current python environment; you can optionally specify which test to run:

python test [tests[.test_set.TestClass]]

Use tox to run them on one or more supported versions:

tox [-e py36-django1.11] [tests[.test_module.TestClass]]

Tox will also generate a coverage HTML report.

You can also use detox to run the tests concurrently, although you will need to run tox -e report again afterwards to generate the coverage report.

To use a different database (mysql, postgres etc) use the environment variables DATABASE_ENGINE, DATABASE_NAME, DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASSWORD, DATABASE_HOST and DATABASE_PORT, eg:

DATABASE_ENGINE=pgsql DATABASE_NAME=gdpr_assist_test [...] tox

Code overview

The handlers.register_model handler watches for new model definitions which include a PrivacyMeta attribute. These models are then registered automatically with the registry.registry.

Registration casts and instantiates the PrivacyMeta and stores it on the _privacy_meta attribute of the model. It also changes the base class of the model to models.PrivacyModel, its manager to models.PrivacyManager and its queryset to models.PrivacyQuerySet to add the necessary anonymisation attributes and methods.

Note on use_in_migrations usage. If the model registered’s objects manager sets use_in_migrations=``use_in_migrations = True`` objects is not cast, instead, gdpr_default_manager_name must be used to give an alternate name.

Model.anonymisable_manager() can also be used to access the PrivacyManager regardless of gdpr_default_manager_name.

Once all models are registered, apps.GdprAppConfig.ready looks at all registered models for a OneToOneField or ForeignKey which have on_delete=ANONYMISE(..), and then logs the related models with the registry so that handlers.handle_pre_delete knows to watch them.

When a registered object is deleted, its details are logged to models.EventLog, stored in a separate database.

Anonymisation starts with models.PrivacyModel.anonymise, which then calls the field-specific anonymise functions in the PrivacyMeta instance; fields which do not have one defined use anonymiser.anonymise_field.

Known limitations

  • QuerySet bulk deletions on a model will not be detected unless it has a PrivacyMeta or is manually registered with gdpr_assist.register
  • Operations involving gdpr-assist may be slower than normal (ie bulk deletions) due to the additional processing required.


Features planned for future releases:

  • Settings to customise the anonymise() method name on registered models - see Anonymising objects
  • Subclass the queryset of on_delete=ANONYMISE(..) related models which aren’t registered, so that bulk deletion always results in anonymisation - see Anonymising objects
  • Ability to change a relationship field on a registered third-party model to use on_delete=ANONYMISE(..)
  • A generic view to allow self-service data export, ready to be added to user-facing profile management.
  • A generic view to allow self-service data removal, ready to be added to user-facing profile management.

This app does not currently attempt to provide any sort of framework for managing opt-in or consent, because in our experience no two sites are similar enough for a generic solution.