
For an overview of what has changed between versions, see the Changelog.


Upgrading from 1.1.0

Anonymisation flag

Version 1.2.0 changes the way the anonymisation flag is stored. Previously it was stored in an anonymised field which gdpr-assist added to your models, but this caused problems when wanting to anonymise third party models. This flag has now been moved to a new model in the gdpr-assist app, linked to your objects using a generic foreign key.

If you migrate without following these instructions, you will lose information about which database objects have been anonymised.

Migrating your data

You must write a data migration to move this data to run before you create a migration to remove the anonymised field. There is a migration operator to help you:

  1. Create empty migrations for your apps with existing anonymisable models:

    ./manage.py makemigrations myapp --empty
  2. Add the operator using the following migration template:

    from django.db.migrations import Migration
    from gdpr_assist.upgrading import MigrateGdprAnonymised
    class Migration(migrations.Migration):
        dependencies = [
            ('myapp', '0012_migration'),  # Added by makemigrations
            ('gdpr_assist', '0002_privacyanonymised'),  # Keep this dependency
        operations = [
            MigrateGdprAnonymised('MyModelOne'),  # Update this to your model
            MigrateGdprAnonymised('MyModelSix'),  # Repeat for all your GDPR models
  3. Create migrations to remove the fields:

    ./manage.py makemigrations myapp
  4. Repeat for any other apps with anonymisable models

  5. Run all migrations

    ./manage.py migrate

    ./manage.py migrate –database=gdpr_log

System check gdpr_assist.E001

Version 1.2.0 onwards adds a system check to ensure you have followed the above instructions, to avoid accidental data loss when upgrading. If your migration tries to remove the field before you have migrated data, you will see the error message:

Removing anonymised field before its data is migrated

This is triggered when removing any field called anonymised before it has been migrated with the MigrateGdprAnonymised operator.

In most cases you can fix this by following the instructions above.

If the anonymised field was not added by gdpr-assist, and you do not want to run MigrateGdprAnonymised, you can tell the check to ignore the failing migration by adding gdpr_assist_safe = True to the migration class; for example:

class Migration(migrations.Migration):
    gdpr_assist_safe = True
    dependencies = [...

Alternatively if you are happy that all your migrations are safe, you can add the check to SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS in your project settings to disable the migration check:

Changes to your code

In most cases no further action will be required, but if you are using the anonymised field in your own code, you will need to call is_anonymised() or query the model gdpr_assist.models.PrivacyAnonymised instead.


1.4.2, 2022-04-28

Fix admin styling issue on person search.

1.4.1, 2022-02-25

Fix migration issue caused in supporting 2.2/without default_auto_field. Thanks @mserrano07 @llexical.

1.4.0, 2022-01-19


  • Add support for Django 3.2, 4.0.
  • Updated example project.
  • Improve performance of log database and added GDPR_LOG_ON_ANONYMISE option to disable logging.


  • Resolve issue 48, use_in_migrations. Managers with use_in_migrations=True will no longer be cast, instead a

duplicate is created using the name provided at register(…, gdpr_default_manager_name=”abc”). * Update PrivacyModel cast to support inheriting from another privacy model. * Performance improvements to for management command thanks @jayaddison-collabora

1.3.0, 2020-08-14


  • Add support for Django 3.0 and 3.1


  • Remove support for Django 2.1 and earlier

1.2.0, 2020-07-15


  • Add support for Django 2.2
  • Add can_anonymise flag to PrivacyMeta to support searching and exporting data which shouldn’t be anonymised. (#15, #17)
  • Add bulk anonymisation operations to improve efficiency of large anonymisations


  • Remove support for Django 1.8


  • Fix support for third party models by removing the anonymised field (#5, #13)
  • Fix duplicate migrations (#6, #12)
  • Fix documentation for post_anonymise (#8, #14)


  • Code style updated to use black and isort

1.1.0, 2020-03-20


  • Allow managers with delete to have custom additional parameters.


  • This version removes python 2.7 support.

1.0.1, 2018-10-23


  • Managers on registered models which set use_in_migrations can now be serialised for migrations.

1.0.0, 2018-09-16

Initial public release